Thursday, July 11, 2013

Understanding how Technology affects Behavior

As I sit here and read many different blogs from my colleagues, I'm trying to get an understanding of how it affects behavior. My understanding of technology is suppose to be here to help ease the users lives and get things done faster. I've notice that some technology make people lazy. An example of lazy technology is the TV remote and the calculator.

The TV remote has been a  part of lazy technology since its invention. Now some people may not remember what it was like to change the channel before remotes but I surely do. You had to get up out of your seat and turn a huge knob on the TV to whatever channel you wanted. However, remotes has made people able to continue sitting down and surf the channels without even budging.

The calculator is another invention that made people lazy. In today's world the calculator and all of its functions has made some people less likely to learn basic math. The students in the classroom, especially Special Education students, has made it hard for teachers to teach them basic math skills because they know a calculator will be on hand for them at all times. I think some student should only use them after they have learned the skill to reinforce what they already learned.

Other technology like cellphones, computers, tablets and many more has given people the ability to adjust their behavior, either negatively or positively. Hopefully the latter will prevail. Cellphones in the classroom were once thought of as a bad thing and in some cases, still are considered bad things. However, if they are taught the appropriate way to use them, it will deter them from using it negatively because they will be so intrigued by the way the should be using them.

Even adults using technology in the workplace and other places, have adjusted behaviors both positively and negatively. The best way for a person to use technology appropriately is for them to be taught correctly on how the technology can benefit their lives!

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